How to Effectively Combat Fire & Fury with Bureaucratic Tenacity

Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Samantha Bee, Bill Maher, MoveOn.orgBernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten GillibrandBarack & Michelle Obama, and (if you are still able) Hillary, Bill, Chelsea & The Clinton Foundation here’s a strategic suggestion to advance our country toward an outcome that I honestly believe each of you wanthelp disenfranchised Americans to reinstate their ability to vote.

Don't just say that you want to help. Promote and fund the multiple grass roots operations out there to assist elderly, persons with disabilities, deployed military who come back and find they are erased from the voter rolls and all other currently disenfranchised voters in getting the required identification and transportation to polling sites. Don't wait for SCOTUS to come back on Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute telling you that purging doesn't violate the National Voter Registration Act. States with political reasons to do all they can to disfranchise residents who they consider political enemies due to their demographic or presumed political beliefs.

One very effective way to advance this goal is to fund voter registration. Expand prior efforts to help voters to do two things: 1) get registered; and 2) get to the polls so they can vote. If the entrepreneurs among you want to take it a step further (to save cost and conserve effort by making the process more efficient and cost-effective); then see if the various groups throughout our country would have already been working toward this to consider coming together under an umbrella organization temporarily to get these thousands of legitimate Americans voters adequate legal recourse and acceptable identification to be placed back onto the voter rolls thousands of legitimate voters were removed from between 2011 & 2016. Multiple groups in all 50 states would likely be wide open to support and strategic guidance to buttress all on tiny budgets and recruiters who are working hard with passionate but very overworked volunteer populations. Your guidance could be an amazing boost to the very limited reach of each of these organizations individually.

When viewing the Census Bureau statistics, drawn from the Current Population Survey's November 2016 Voting and Registration supplement, would those numbers look significantly different in every states if we consider that a significant number of these voters were likely disenfranchised rather than consciously sitting out on the election?

The efforts to ensure that voters who are older, low-income, transient, elderly, unable to find transport, or otherwise unable to jump through the multiple bureaucratic hoops required to re-prove their citizenship needs to be overcome. We could even couple this effort with key messaging for all American voters that, contrary to the impressions that have been constant during the past few elections, ALL AMERICANS REALLY ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR COUNTRY’S DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. Remind voters that despite multiple efforts by different political activist groups to eradicate each of them; Jim Crow laws still exist. The 24th Amendment to the Constitution still does prohibit any poll tax in elections for federal officials and Voting Rights Act of 1965 still is on the books as well.

While we are also under constant chaotic distraction efforts to ensure that we only pay attention to bells and whistles around us, as politically conscious Americans, we need to work against being sidetracked into believing that we need to do something about any specific political party or a particular elected official(s). That will divide and conquer all of us who are hoping to make a difference and improve our country. A more effective solution to what all of you and yes, #MeToo desires is to come together and combat voter suppression instead. What you leaders, advocates and supporters can do is take away the influence and power of any state actor, lobbyist, political action committee, and/or 527 organizations to keep any American who wants to vote from being able to do so. 

So to come back to the basic message for each of you who have the power, the money and the influence to do so, come together and strategically begin to get Americans whatever is required for them to be able to vote. Fund manpower, transport, logistics, paperwork, records management, outreach and legal counsel to work toward the common goal of getting every American’s voting registration and identification in place so that whosoever has been unable to meet the demands imposed by their state can meet the minimum requirements being placed upon them It is far more likely to work to get our country back on track than being distracted into obsessing about the 25th Amendment or speculating and on potential impeachment or any of the conjectural work of Special Counsel.

Looking at the different funding areas required to achieve this, $50 million is a reasonable estimate to start. So let's work together to make it considerably tougher for any one segment of the American voting-eligible population to hold the remainder of us metaphorically hostage. For all of you who are staring into this chaos and looking for solutions, if you are considering taking action for the 2018 mid-terms, as I am writing this, we currently have exactly 297 days left before election day. So let's get rolling while there is still time. Thanks!


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