
Showing posts from November, 2020

Abstract Thoughts on the Potential for a Cordial and Peaceful Secession of Trumplandia from the Former United States of America (FUSA)

It is official. Thank you for your time with us Trumplandia. You are free to go become your own nation and make Trump your Plutarch. I (like many Americans) have finally reached the grief stage of acceptance. Those of you on the fence deciding whether you are Trumplandians or Americans, you are officially offered the freedom to choose this one last time. So go for it. Secede and go form a country. Create your own union of states. Heck, just for the hell of it, you could even name yourselves the Confederate States again and head off to live your lives; (provided your Plutarch does not insist his name be used). Those of us who chose to stay in America wish you well and hope you go on to live happy and healthy lives. Please join together and adapt the F.U.S. Constitution to serve your needs and wants and have at it. I think Americans are finally willing to set all of you free. We can send some diplomats over if you want to negotiate with the different demographics and decide who gets to s